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Six Ways To Positively Change Your Life

Writer's picture: Luxurious VeganLuxurious Vegan

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Let's be real, positive thinking and accountability can add so much to your life, and even lengthen your life span as well! When you think positive you can relieve stress, live a healthier life, and make better life choices. Developing a daily routine of reminders for yourself will help you to achieve a more positive lifestyle, which in return will help you to reach all of those goals you are striving towards a little easier.

1) Be responsible for your thoughts. When you begin to take responsibility for your thoughts, you'll start to face the reality of what they're doing to or for you. When running a business, it’s important to always keep a positive mindset and including affirmations into your daily routine will really help you to stay on course.

2) Plan to think positively. A lot of our thoughts come from the subconscious mind.

If you plan to think positively, your thoughts and emotions won't be as affected by your reality. Remember those affirmations and motivate yourself!

3) Write down your thoughts. Taking the time to write your thoughts down so that you can see them at the end of the day, week, or month can really improve your problem solving. You'll be able to see what went wrong, as well as what went right, and come to a conclusion on the best way to mentally move forward.

4) Always consider the repercussions. For example, if you have an upcoming deadline and it becomes clear that you're not going to meet it, then you must consider what might happen. If you want to become an entrepreneur, always remember to give yourself extended time on all projects so that you never lose a customers trust. Also, consider solutions. Be transparent with your customers and offer complimentary items or discounts for the delay.

5) Minimize catastrophic thinking. Try to minimize your thoughts to a negative situation and lower your anxiety level by being practical about it. If you're only able to focus on the negative situation, instead of seeing the bigger picture, you’ll always feel a sense of anxiety.

6) Live for the moment. When you spend too much time trying to guess or analyze the future, you might convince yourself of failure. If you think you'll fail, you probably will. Instead, just enjoy the moment no matter how it turns. The first rule in business is that there is no such thing as failure, because everything is a great learning lesson!

Accept the reality that you can control your own thoughts. You will become more empowered to face stressful situations in your life and positively change your outcomes with the way you think. If you want to excel in your life, or even grow your business, then you have to start attempting to mentally put forth the best effort you can. You can physically do the work, but if you’re not mentally doing the work you need to stay successful, then chances are you might fail.

Apply these six steps to your daily routine and let’s us know which steps worked best for you! You can even reach out to us and join our community forum if you need an accountability partner to help you stay the course along your Self Care Journey.



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